Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Weekend!

After Charlotte's birthday on November 30th, I finally felt like it was time to bring on Christmas although I'd been listening to Christmas music for a few weeks.
I was so thankful Daniel had the following Saturday off because it was the perfect day to go get our tree!
 Morgan wanted this tree because it was just her size. If I could have, I would have loved to have gotten it for her room. 
We decided to go to a Christmas tree place this year instead of Home Depot which is where we normally go.

 Love Charlotte's curly blonde locks sticking out from under her hat. 
 This place was great! They brought down the price $30 so we could stay in our price range AND we got a Noble Fir! I've always wanted one of those but we've never been able to afford one before. We got an 8 ft huge Noble Fir for $55 and I thought that was a great deal. 
 Charlotte was intrigued by the fact that she could just touch her glove to the wood chips and they'd automatically attach themselves to the glove. :)

 She'd shake her glove (or actually Morgan's glove) to get the wood chips off. 
 I accidentally forgot Morgan's coat at home but it wasn't too bad outside yet. 
Last year the tree we picked out was way too small for our house. The room where the tree goes is large so we didn't realize we'd need such a big tree. This year, however, we picked out the perfect size tree! Go team Irwin!
I only got a few pictures of us decorating the tree because we only had a little bit of time before we were off to a Christmas parade.
This year was fun because Charlotte was our little helper just like Morgan was at her age. She handed me every ornament as I hung them on the tree. Wish I had gotten photos of it because she was darling. I still love looking at the post of when Morgan was her age and she helped us decorate the tree for the first time. 

Morgan's favorite part is helping put the star on the tree. She's done it every year of her life. 
I was excited about the parade and had a feeling Charlotte would love it because every time she sees lights on houses she belts out the cutest little (but loud) “Whoa/Wow!” I’ve ever heard. It’s adorable because she half laughs while she says it. 
Anyway, I bundled us all up because it was supposed to be in the 30’s. That’s really cold for us Californians! J Morgan’s negligent mother (I won’t name names) forgot the poor child’s coat. Oops! Thankfully I brought a blanket for her. She had on layers, a scarf, hat and mittens so she survived but wasn't thrilled with being cold the whole evening. 
I think the cheerleaders and kids her age on the floats were Morgan's favorite. I kept looking down at her and she’d always smile when she saw a kid her age on a float waving to the crowd.

Charlotte on the other hand had a blast! She didn't once complain and spent 75% of the parade waving to the floats. She got lots of attention from the float riders because they’d see her little self sitting there smiling and waving and they’d give her an enthusiastic wave while pointing at her and saying, “awwwwww”.
Daniel loved that she was waving and spent much of the time waving with her. 

Right before the parade started, a police officer on a bike rode up to Charlotte and handed her a sticker. She happily held that thing the entire time. I kept looking down at her red freezing hands holding the sticker. For the record, I brought mittens for her but she wouldn't keep them on. Look at her clutching the sticker below. So precious. 

The next day we finished putting our decorations out. 
Charlotte gets her own bowl and spoon out for her cereal every morning.

Charlotte is into glasses right now but she leaves off the "gl" when she says it. :)
We finished the weekend off with Charlotte getting the stomach flu. We still had a great weekend and I have to admit that although I hated seeing my littlest one so uncomfortable, I enjoyed being able to hold and snuggle with her for 5 straight hours.
At one point, in the midst of her being really sick, she looked up at me while her head rested on my chest and whispered, "Thank you Mommy." It was a sweet, sweet moment I hope to never forget.

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