Sunday, June 24, 2012

Beautiful Busy Weekend!

We spent Friday night listening to music up where Daniel and I got married. I always love visiting that spot because it means so much to me AND it's gorgeous!
This was a great event where families came and spread out blankets on the grass by the lake and listened to live music. We ate some BBQ too.
 Daniel found this frog for Morgan.
 Morgan spent the evening dancing right in front of the band. She didn't care if she was dancing with other kids or alone. She danced for a couple of hours. We're a little worried we may have a groupie on our hands. :)
Chase went with us too but he was hanging out in another area with his friends. You know, since he's a teenager now and all...
 The girls and I met Dusty and Chase up at Nana and Papa's house to celebrate a belated Father's Day with my dad. Daniel had to work so just the girls and I ventured up. 
 It was a beautiful weekend! I'll let these pictures speak for themselves.
 Dusty made this cake for Dad. Didn't it turn out great?!
 My cousin Raymond is a pilot. He flew into Fresno and had to stay the night so he rented this Mustang and drove up to Sacramento to visit with all of us. We really appreciated him driving up to see us!
 I colored in this book when I was Morgan's age. Love this kind of stuff!
 Charlotte slept during our Father's Day dinner.
We got home late. While I sat in Charlotte's dark room nursing her, I enjoyed observing the going's on in our household. Through the open door I'd see Maggie scamper by followed by Morgan. Back and forth they'd go while I'd hear Daniel tell Morgan to get her pajamas on. She'd scamper by dressed and then half dressed and so on. I watched as he brushed her teeth with a new Dora brush he got her. All of this was after we all looked through his new telescope at the moon. Just when I thought our weekend couldn't get better, it ended in this beautiful way.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Watermelon At The Park!

We ventured to the park while Daniel was at work.
 Morgan pushed Charlotte on the swing for the first time. I'm enjoying these unexpected moments. When Morgan saw that I put Charlotte in a swing, she ran over to gently push her. Never could I have imagined how good it would feel to see something this simple.
 It looks like Charlotte is scared in these pictures but she actually enjoyed it. It was really hot and I think she enjoyed the breeze.
 Morgan often does this really cute hand gesture where she awkwardly points to stuff while telling stories. You'd just have to see it in person...
 Morgan and I enjoyed some watermelon while having a picnic.
 Poor Charlotte so wants to eat what we do. 
 Charlotte scooted herself over to the edge of the blanket and was enjoying playing in the grass and dirt for the first time. 
 Look, her first messy hand from playing in the dirt.
 Morgan chased some ducks on the way back to the car. 
 Love spending time with my girls.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Morgan has started swim class again. I'm enjoying taking her and watching her improve each week. Hopefully we'll get some decent pool time in at Uncle Frank's and Aunt Dusty's pool this summer!

This is how a 3 year old stands "still" for pictures.
Morgan is a GREAT big sister! Every time Charlotte cries, she goes and comforts her and gives her a toy. She seems to come by it naturally and really enjoys having Charlotte around. This makes me feel extremely blessed.