Sunday, December 1, 2013

Charlotte's 2nd Birthday!

Okay, so as I mentioned, Charlotte's birthday theme was rainbow. I attempted a rainbow cake and thought I wasn't going to be able to pull it off half way through. It did turn out though and I loved seeing the kids' reactions. 
This thing came close to falling over half way through. I'm not going to lie, when I cut into it and saw that it actually worked, I was jumping up and down for joy!
 I got a few oohs and awws from Charlotte and loved seeing her excited about her party.

 I had to include the below picture because this is also one of Charlotte's sides. She's adorable and sweet but she's "human" too. :)
 The below looks healthy but she's actually just using the broccoli as a tool to pick up the ranch so she can suck it off. 

 She did such a good job blowing out her candles! Daniel had to help her but she got the idea!
 Our birthday girl! We're proud parents!

She started off with fruits and veggies as she waited for daddy to cook the hot dogs.

 She did such a good job opening her presents too! I had to start her off but she quickly got the idea. She was even good about looking at the present and then handing it to me so she could open another gift and she told everyone thank you afterwards too. I was proud of her and loved watching her enjoy herself.

 Don't know if she'll ever wear the rainbow tights again but they were perfect for her party. Look at those adorable little rainbow legs! Oh, and please take note of the white icing on her face. :)
 She oohed and awed over these My Little Ponies and said "wow"! The crowd of people watching her got a good laugh at how impressed she was. We had 35 people at her party!

 The cousins got priceless time together! I enjoyed overhearing their conversations. I hope they made amazing memories. 

Love watching my mom with babies. She just beams.

 I got a kick out of the fact that the two people who run day cares were the ones right smack dab in the middle of the kid chaos on the floor. The lady on the left is Charlotte's current daycare provider and the woman on the right was Morgan's and Charlotte's for years before we moved. She cried when she saw them after first arriving. It had been 5 months since she'd seen the girls.

 A&M played that day so a lot of our guests got to enjoy the game too.
The party was amazing! Charlotte had a blast and really, I think everyone did. I'm so thankful for these last two years with this little amazing being. She has blessed this family with love and happiness. I look forward to many more birthdays with her and getting to be a part of her life. She's so special to us.


  1. That cake turned out gorgeous!! You did a beautiful, beautiful job on the party!!

  2. The amount of effort you put into your parties is astounding. Your girls are lucky to have you as their mommy.
