Saturday, March 12, 2016

Princess Birthday Party!

Both of my girls' birthdays fall around a holiday. Morgan's is right after Halloween and Charlotte's is always the weekend of Thanksgiving. Definitely adds a twist of difficulty to it all but I of course wouldn't change a thing!
However, it is nice, because my parents are always already down for Thanksgiving so they're able to easily participate in celebrating Charlotte too!
My daddy has always been good at spoiling his girls. The morning of Charlotte's birthday party, I was running around busy so he went out for Starbucks and donuts! Thanks pops! We sure appreciate you!
The birthday girl asked for a princess party and I was happy to deliver!

 I always have fun planning and decorating for the girls' parties. It's a lot of work but so worth it to see their reactions and excitement all day!

These are dollar store vases I spray painted sparkly gold and dollar store flowers.
I placed the kids' party favors on their place settings. I tried spray painting some of them gold. It didn't really work out too well but I know the kids didn't care.
 My sister helped me make these party favors. I thought they were so cute but I forget to pass them out so now we have a qazillion of them.

 This was the first year that I didn't bake the cake myself. I had too much other stuff going on and plus I got this at Walmart for only $12! It was delicious too! The crown I bought at Hobby Lobby. 
The toppers were from Etsy, the cupcakes were from Wal-mart and the liners were leftovers from a friend's birthday party she had for her one year old.

It was so fun watching Charlotte have a blast at her party! I get so happy when she talks about it to this day.

And since it was a princess party, we had a special guest arrive.
This was memorable for everyone! It was such a surprise and treat for the girls and I loved it because she handled all the entertaining!

Snow White did face painting for all the kids!

And did a dance session with them!

Snow White did story time too! She rocked!

 Morgan didn't request the typical face paints like the other kids. She had a specific design in mind. She looked like a warrior princess! Atta girl!
 The best part of the evening had to be when Snow White and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Charlotte. I think these photos say it all!

 Ha, ha, ha! Had to add the below pic. She was being fierce with her sword!
I'm a little in love with how Snow White matches the tree in our front yard.

I specifically included the below picture because I love my mom's smile in it.

 Time to open presents! Snow White helped with this too! I want Snow White to attend all their birthdays.
 And the fun didn't end after all the guests left!
 These girls know how to party!
What every girl looks like after a day of partying...
 We ended the night with birthday celebrations for my dad and nephew since their birthdays are shortly after Charlotte's! She was helping Papa open his gifts.
I really enjoyed 3 year old Charlotte so it was hard to say goodbye but I'm sure I'll adore her 4 year old self just as much. 
Charlotte you are an absolute delight to your father and I. We never tire of your goofy fun personality and approach to life! We have no doubt you're going to shine for years to come. Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives! We couldn't be more proud of you.

1 comment:

  1. Another amazing birthday party. I love how you plan, decorate, and deliver such joy to the girls on their special days.
