Saturday, March 5, 2016

Morgan's Choir!

My favorite choir performance of Morgan's so far is when they sang for a senior living place. I teared up watching her and her little friends sing. They're just so little and innocent (most of the time).

She looks so precious in her choir uniform!
 Aunt Dusty came to hear Morgan sing. We sure appreciate her support!
 Watching these ladies smile from ear to ear and clap along made me so happy! I've always loved old people lol. I want to find time to volunteer at one of these places.
 Afterwards, Daniel took the girls home while I sneaked away for dinner and shopping with Dusty! I was gearing up for Charlotte's birthday so I had tons of errands to run. Dusty was nice enough to drive me around and help.
Deli Delicious is so fresh and well, delicious!

  Art time with Aunt Dusty!

 I heart Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inviting me! I love to see the girls sing, dance, play sports, and be creative.
