Sunday, October 23, 2011

Zoo Boo!

I got free tickets at work for our family to attend a Halloween event at the zoo. Morgan dressed up in her costume and got to trick or treat while seeing some animals. Below, Daddy opened up some candy for her.

Unfortunately, she's been fighting the flu this week. We thought she was all better but she started running a fever again the day of the event. We thought she felt okay enough to go but she seemed rather out of it at the event so we didn't stay long.

She still had some fun moments though. She enjoyed seeing the other kids in their costumes.

Daddy carried her back to the car.

After we got back home she didn't want to take her hat off.

I ended up staying up with her off and on all night as she fought her fever. By the morning, she was as good as new though!


  1. Cutest pirate ever!! Glad to hear Morgan is felling better!

  2. Oh, that's so sad. But she looks soooo cute! Sweet Morgan. Oh, and today Nicole was picking out gifts at the store for baby Charlotte! :)
