Sunday, July 27, 2014


We just got done with Morgan's first soccer experience.

 It was a great experience for all of us! Morgan wasn't exactly super interested at all times but I'm told that's normal for this age. If nothing else we want her to try all sports once. If there's one that sticks then great but if not at least she's had a chance to try them all out. 
Charlotte was her biggest fan. She'd yell for her and cheer her on right along with Daniel and I.
We got to have some more fun times after her games with lunches out and the occasional stop at the yogurt shop.


 It was often 100 degrees as she was playing on the field! Poor kid but she hung in there.
I'd slather on the sunscreen with no shame over the fact that it left white residue all over her face.

 Her soccer pictures and medal. I enjoyed seeing her so excited over her medal. Sports really do help give kids self confidence.

 Notice how Charlotte was pass the blue line below. She was getting a kick over the fact that she was going over the blue line even though she knew she wasn't supposed to.

 Tunnel time! Dusty took these pictures for us. That's Daniel and I at the end of the tunnel. Charlotte always got a thrill over running through the tunnel too.
 I'm sure enjoying watching this little girl navigate her childhood. I'm having a blast and know she is too. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I was able to attend a couple of games. She's adorable!
