Saturday, May 31, 2014

Recently Enjoyed Things!

The amount of generosity during the holidays never ceases to amaze me. The below is what the girls brought home from daycare after their Easter party.
 And we found the below left on our doorstep from our neighbors. My girls sure are spoiled but it makes me feel good too.
 I realize that I've already posted stuff from Easter but I love the pictures Dusty put together below. We had a really good Easter. 
 The girls enjoyed their last meal on our old table outside during our yard sale. I needed to feed them lunch but wanted to be able to keep an eye on them during our yard sale. We were selling our dining room table because we just got a new one so I thought, "why not!" It looked funny for the girls to be eating lunch in the front of our house.
 Morgan filled out the below for me for Mother's Day. When I picked her up from Campus Club she came running to me and wanted me to read it right away. I teared up when I read it. I was so impressed with how well she actually knew me for only being 5 years old. The thing she listed for "what I'm really good at" cracked Daniel and I up! I'm going to keep this forever. 

 While watching tv with Charlotte on my lap the other day, I couldn't help but admire her hair. She has yet to get her first haircut.
 She's into this thing recently where she likes to put baindaids on herself for no apparent reason. We let her wear them to daycare because I don't think it hurts anything.
 When I went in to get her the other morning this is what I found.
  What was she doing to her poor babies?
 "Take a picture of me mom!" Morgan was proud because she had done her own hair.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! The pictures of Charlotte's babies are priceless.
