Saturday, May 31, 2014

Not All Bad!

While reading my blog recently I've noticed that most of the pictures of my girls eating are of them eating horribly unhealthy things like McDonald's and sugary sweets. For the record, my girls eat a decent amount of veggies and eat their weight in fruit. They eat so much fruit that I'm even making an effort to buy organic when I can. And just so I can rest easy I've provided proof below.

There's a fruit stand between Charlotte's daycare and Morgan's school. Morgan always asks to stop so we stopped the other day and she picked out strawberries and sugar snap peas. The peas were the best I've ever had.
 Again, so I don't feel guilty about their macaroni and cheese consumption, I always add veggies and fruit to their plate.
 I caught Charlotte red handed the other day helping herself to some strawberries that were in the refrigerator.

"Oh, hey, mom!"
 "I was just ahhhhh..."
 "I know I'm not supposed to get in the refrigerator by myself but aren't I cute?"
 "I mean, look at how I'm tilting my head. Don't I look innocent and sweet?"

 "No? Okay, I'll just smile at you again."
 I have to closely monitor the amount of blueberries my girls eat. If left alone, they'll eat the entire container in one sitting.
I buy one box of corn dogs every few months for the girls because they're just so darn quick and easy. I'd buy them more often if I didn't know better.

1 comment:

  1. Love the captions on the pictures of Charlotte eating strawberries.
