Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spring To Do List!

Before each season I write a to-do list complete with ideas from Pinterest. Here’s my list for Spring:

-Plant Garden
-Spring time pictures in wildflowers
-Paint Pots/Plant Flowers
-Yard sale

I’m proud to say that we accomplished all of the above. Of course, that list is pretty simplistic but regardless, we did it! This past weekend the girls and I painted flower pots and then planted some succulents in them. I’m hoping since we planted succulents, they have a fighting chance of surviving. I got everything set up and the girls and I got busy. I was so impressed with Charlotte because she so intently and contentedly painted her pot. She was so calm and quiet and focused for nearly an hour! I was so blown away with this because she’s two! 
I didn’t realize a two year old could be so focused, calm and content doing one activity for that long. I watched her little face so calmly focus on the pot and her task. She steadily would put stroke after stroke of paint on just trying her best to cover that whole pot with the “purr-pole” paint she chose! It made me aspire to do more creative art/craft projects with her.
I was also impressed with Morgan. Matter of fact, she immediately turned her pot over to start painting it and I was like, “Oh! Hey, that’s a really good idea!” and I quickly followed suit. It cracked me up that I was following the artistic direction and know-how of a 5 year old. Thankfully she’s been exposed to lots of arts, crafts and creative outlets through her daycare, school and Campus Club. She immediately picked her colors and got to work. She drew 2 flowers and then began painting pretty stripes. She worked diligently and then was quickly done with her task. While we were all painting, we were all complimenting each other on our work. It was fun and makes me smile thinking about it.

I happened to be tinkering around on Pinterest the day before our project when I saw this idea for painting a pot. I thought it was a watermelon and really liked it but after looking back at the pin I realize it was supposed to be a strawberry. Either way, I really like it. It was fun! We let our pots dry and then later that day we planted our succulents. I loved the way they turned out. Oh how I love being home and doing all the things that can be done in the safety and comfort of our beautiful walls!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! The amount of time you spend with the girls all while working full time amazes me Angela. You are a great mommy!
