Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas 2013!

Daniel surprisingly woke up before anyone else Christmas morning. The entire household was awake before our two girls!
Morgan found twinkle toe shoes from Santa sitting under our tree.

The girls tore into their stockings so fast that I didn't really get a picture. Of course I wasn't trying too hard either because I didn't want to miss the moment.
Charlotte was all about the chocolate in her stocking. She kept asking the adults around her to open some for her but we were all trying to pretend we didn't hear her because it was much too early for chocolate. She, however, found a piece she could open herself. I caught her shoveling some in the picture below. 
We have this sweet old couple who live directly behind us. They come over each holiday with some type of gift and to wish us a Happy Holiday. I just love the gesture and think it's so kind and thoughtful of them. The below present was from them. It was a kid's book about dogs. It inspires me to bake cookies with the girls next year and make deliveries to all our neighbors.
And the below present was from Morgan's Kindergartner teacher, Mrs. Moua. I don't know why but I loved it. I loved that she got each one of her students a gift and I love how it was wrapped. Reminded me of a present from decades ago. The gift from Mrs. Moua meant a lot to Morgan.

Daniel made out this year and seemed to really like his gifts. I laughed because within 2 days he had consumed all of them or at least used each one in some way. 

Chase was a happy boy too!
I don't know what I would do without my sister. I love and appreciate her friendship so much. She's my partner in crime! 
Did you know I've celebrated every Christmas of my life with my parents? For the past 33 years, I've woken up with them and opened presents with them every Christmas morning. I love it and wouldn't want it any other way.
They sure spoil their kids and shower us with love and presents! I adore being around them. They make me feel so loved and special.

Charlotte didn't want her picture taken but I had to include it because I love how chubby her legs look. She's quickly becoming a little girl so I hold onto the little things that show me she's not quite there yet.

 Love these two pics of Chase with Nana and Papa. He's growing into such a fun young man. He's always been loving and amazing but it's fun to experience him as he grows into his own person too. We had a blast with him!

 Maggie always enjoys visitors. She loves all people and animals and is always more than willing to cuddle. 
I purchased Morgan the below hat. She kind of tossed it to the side after opening the gift. Charlotte, however, squealed when she saw it and immediately put it on. She's practically been wearing it ever since.
I think the hat was made for Charlotte too. I really like how it looks on her. 

The below pictures of Charlotte all decked out in new gifts and eating candy from her stocking epitomizes Christmas morning for me.

Absolutely love the look on Morgan's face as she tries out her new bike! It was Daniel's idea to get her a bike and he even picked it out himself. It's a pink and purple princess bike.
Mom and Dad made a comment about how special it was to see my daughter rocking in the same wooden little chair I used to rock in. 
I made a sausage & egg breakfast casserole that was a hit. Dusty and I made the yummy appetizers below too. 
Morgan wore a new Christmas sweater she received! She got the headband in her stocking.

So I admittedly got super stressed and grumpy right before dinner. I just felt that Dusty and I spent two days cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. I already have a game plan to make sure that doesn't happen next year. I plan on keeping things low key because spending time with my family is way more important then making a bunch of elaborate food.
I forgot to plan ahead regarding centerpieces and how the table was going to be set. Dusty and I quickly improvised.
I really do love having a pretty table so I'll make sure to plan ahead next year. For just throwing this down, I thought our table still looked nice.

After dinner cuddles...

I had a great two days with my family (besides the grumpy dinner incident)! I'm so appreciative that I have them and get to spend time with them. They are the basis to my everything.
Overall, Christmas 2013 was amazing from the music listening and sugar cookie making to the sweet moments with my family. I feel blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting Christmas at your house Angela. It was beautiful!
