Friday, May 24, 2013

My Season...

Today is Friday and I took the day off. I did something different today. I still had the girls go to daycare so I could have a "me" day. It actually turned out to be half a "me" day because Daniel didn't work until noon so he didn't take the girls until later in the day. That's beside the point though. I thoroughly enjoyed my six hours to myself. While it was a much needed break it still didn't feel quite right either.

People tell me I need to concentrate more on myself, etc. I know they're right to an extent. I've recently started eating healthier and carving out some exercise time. I've started reading again and really try to get at least one long bath each week. I understand this time is important but at the same time this is my season.

This is my season to change diapers and wipe tears, to have so much to do during the day that I stay up late even though I really need the sleep. This is my season to spend more time focusing on my girls than myself. Some people may look down upon that but I don't. For every perceived negative and sacrifice there is 5 more positive and priceless benefits for each one of those difficulties.

Lately if I see that the girls are happily playing together in the play room, I'll sneak away to my bedroom, crawl into bed for what I know will likely only be 10 minutes of reading in whatever book I'm engrossed in at the time. I do try to steal those moments when I can and I'm okay with that because I know soon enough as my children grow and become more independent, those 10 minutes will grow to 30 and so on.

This is the season where I'm needed the most and there are so many amazing experiences that come along with that. I already miss the time where I carried little Charlotte around with me everywhere in her baby sling. I loved having her strapped to my chest even though it meant every task and chore was made more difficult and took twice as long.

This season will be over before I know it and I want to soak in as much as possible. I want to make the most out of every moment I'm needed because I know soon enough my girls will need me less and less. Is this my favorite time in my girls' life? I don't know. I'll get back to you on that one. I do know that I want to appreciate each stage for all it has to offer. One day, when the girls move out and begin their own lives, I'll enjoy those many moments/hours to myself knowing that when my girls needed me the most, I did all that I was capable of and for me that's something to be proud of. 

Monday is Memorial Day and Daniel and I took Tuesday off too. We plan on taking the girls to day care again and enjoying a date day together. I'm so thankful to be blessed with this season. My season. 

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