Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm on a mission

to discover my own backyard with my family. In about one hour's drive we were here.
This is the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. Below Morgan is standing in a hollowed out tree.

Daniel took this picture while standing in the tree looking up through a hole.

We were able to walk through to the other side where you could see how massive the roots were.

Morgan and Daniel hit the ground running on the first trail we hiked.

Morgan continued to run. You can barely see a tinge of pink far down the trail. That's her.

She enjoyed picking up leaves, sticks, and dirt.

She thought this log was really neat. She stopped to say, "wow".

More massive roots from another fallen tree.

Loved the below view. Almost looked like something from a movie.

It felt like you were in a cave. Very cool experience!

Did I mention there were some really big trees?

That's me standing up on the rock. I did a little off-roading.

While I was on my mini-hike, Morgan rubbed dirt all over herself and loved it!

They're looking at the world's second largest tree. The picture just doesn't do it justice.

Next we drove to the Sierra National Forrest on our journey to see the world's largest tree. We stopped to have the picnic lunch I packed for us.

Morgan enjoyed looking at the trees towering over us. There was a Blue Jay scoping out our food.

The picnic table was right next to a creek. We just happened upon this spot and it was perfect!

Morgan loved the babbling brook!

And so did I.

She played here for a long time before I pulled her into some shade.

Every time Morgan sees flowers, she has to stop to smell and play with them. So cute!

After lunch we started our second trail that led us to the world's largest tree. Yes, I said LARGEST TREE IN THE WORLD! That's us at the base of it.

Now can you tell it's us?

Maybe this video will do it more justice.
The trail that led us to this massive tree was in a place called The Giant Forrest. Daniel summed it up when he said it felt like we were in a Pixar movie. He said it looked like scenes from the movie Avitar.
Thought this sign was pretty funny.

On the drive home, we stopped at some vistas.

I had fun taking pictures from inside our car.

This is what it looks like as you start to come out of the foothills into the valley.

And then you're back in the valley.

So glad we took this little adventure!


  1. Angela, thanks for sharing your scenic day- trip photos. What a fun experience showing Morgan (and Daniel) what your part of the country has to offer. Don't think the midwest has anything quite like that!

  2. This makes me miss home!!! I've been missing Yosemite. People here think the Ozarks are mountains. Not even close. Hills, maybe. Gorgeous pictures. Loved the dirt on Morgan's face. Too cute!
