Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Summertime Garden Adventures!

 I was proud of Morgan for handling these tomato worms. She really loved them and played with them for hours. She was good at spotting them even though they were well camouflaged on the plants and I think she found more than I did. Our tomato plants had an infestation but we finally removed all of them before they did too much damage. 
These amazing insects bring back a lot of good memories for me. I remember following behind my Grandpa as he walked between the rows of his giant garden. He'd find those worms and he'd squish them between his fingers to kill them lol! I'm not so sure our method was any better. We left them in our front yard under a tree still grasping their tomato branch. We're pretty sure the birds that lived in that tree loved our offerings.
 Look how they use their little feet to hold onto the branch. Cute!
I watered my plants before work every morning. Often times fresh vegetables would end up on my dresser after I picked them because we had a door to the backyard from our bedroom that I'd exit and enter to gain access to my garden. I always try to stay away from the rest of the house in an effort to not wake the girls. One morning I picked this beaut below and had to take a picture because of it's perfection. Nature is beautiful.

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