Saturday, September 20, 2014

School Carnival!

We just got done with Morgan's school carnival. I learned my lesson last year that this event is really important to Morgan and not going is not an option.
We had a great time! We spent $20 worth of tickets for 3 hours of fun and helped her school at the same time. Win Win!
The girls checked out the inside of a firetruck.
 I've never seen the ladder fully extended in person. It was impressive!
 The school had an amazing section of bounce houses and slides set up. The girls had a field day with these!
 Look at our little two year old climbing up these stairs to go down the slide. Daniel and I were discussing the situation together while watching her and we were both sure she wouldn't even make it up the ladder thing.
But she did! We were so impressed! It's steeper than it looks.

 And our little spunky girl went down the slide! Of course Morgan was there to encourage her. Man, that Morgan is such a good big sister who adores her little sis!
 We also had something else a little shocking and exciting happen at this event! See Morgan below bouncing in the bounce house?
 And do you see the rainbow mesh that keeps the kids in the bounce house? Well Morgan managed to get her two front teeth caught in this mesh while on her way down from a jump and one of her front teeth was yanked out. Daniel and a stranger helped her find her tooth so we could give it to the tooth fairy that night. Daniel was actually concerned at first that it was one of her permanent teeth but it wasn't. However, I did schedule a dentist appointment next Tuesday just to make sure we're on the right track with everything. The other front tooth is now loose too.
I definitely think Morgan wins for the most original way of loosing a tooth!
 And oh this girl!

 Daniel and I watched multiple older kids attempt the game below. You were supposed to bounce a ball on the table and try to make it land in a cup. No one won. Charlotte gave it a try and got a ball in a cup all by herself! 
 She was so proud of herself and so were we! What a champ!
 Sometimes she just amazes me with how capable she is. When she walked up to the game I told Daniel that he'd probably have to help her and Daniel said, no, that she'd been closely watching the others play the whole time, studying how to do it, and he was right! She knew exactly what she was doing.
 She won a prize!
 We looked, we bounced, we slid, we got prizes and face tattoos, did a cake walk, lost a tooth and ended the evening with cotton candy. It was a great way to spend a Friday night as a family!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. If you could have seen my face as I read about Morgan's tooth! That's the most unbelievable thing. THANK GOD it wasn't a permanent tooth!!! Wow.
    And Charlotte. I am in love with that kid. LOL
