Saturday, June 15, 2013

Growing Up!

Don't I have the most handsome nephew ever?! We're all so proud of our growing Chase! He graduated with a GPA of 3.5 and above! He had a huge crowd of family attend his 8th grade graduation.
Nana and Papa helped keep Charlotte entertained during the ceremony.
 Daniel commented on what a great job they did with her. 

 The other day I fed Charlotte some dinner while Maggie was at the vet. I seriously had no idea how much food Charlotte wasted and dropped on the floor. Maggie always hangs out below her chair when she eats and apparently gets quite the snack!
I just had the include the below picture because I love her curls and this sweet romper.
Since Nana and Papa were in town for Chase's graduation, they spent a night with us. We always have such a great time with them!
 We're still enjoying the different plant varieties that keep popping up in our yard. 
 I thought the below picture does a great job of showing how close our park is. This picture was taken while standing in our front yard. You can see the park to the left. 
Do you see anything in the below picture?
 Maggie doesn't like air blowing directly on her so when the ceiling fan is on, she takes cover behind our curtains. 
 Now you can see her! 
 She's so spoiled and doesn't even realize it.

1 comment:

  1. You do! You really do have the most handsome nephew ever!!!!
