Sunday, April 22, 2012

Random Irwin Fun!

 Best. Easter. Picture. Ever! Daniel snapped this one with his Iphone.
While doing the dishes I hear, "Look Mom! I have a beard!" I looked over to find this...
She stuck a piece of lunch meat to her chin. Gross but really funny too.
 I LOVE how they look at each other! I especially love the way Charlotte looks at her big sis!
Craft time! We made a basketball hoop with some household items.
 Charlotte watched as usual.
 I didn't give her these leaves. She snagged them while I wasn't looking and was of course sticking them in her mouth. I did the panic-insert-finger-in-baby's-mouth thing to make sure she wasn't successful at biting off any leaves.
 Morgan was supposed to be cleaning up before bedtime but instead we found this. She said she made a person. Can you see it? The top starts with two pink eyes.


  1. Love that first pic! :)

    The third one of Morgan and Charlotte looking at each other needs to be blown up and framed. So perfect!

  2. I agree with Kelly. Frame that picture of the girls.
    I also love the creativity of Morgan's "person". She's so smart!
