Thursday, May 5, 2016

Star Wars Birthday Celebrations!

The girls were invited to a friend's Star Wars themed birthday party. It was a lot of fun! Both Daniel and I got to go which was a treat for me. Usually I'm the one taking them to parties while he works. It was fun to be able to watch the girls enjoy themselves together with the hubby along.

As you can see by the adults cracking up in the background of these pics, Charlotte made everyone laugh when Darth Vader showed up. All the kids scattered in fear and this was Charlotte's reaction.
She ran to him delighted and gave him a big welcoming warm hug!
I just had to post the below picture because look at the smiles on everyone's face.

 Look at my oldest girl! Love her!

As I've said numerous times, I enjoy attending their friends' birthday parties. I enjoy watching the girls have a good time and I'm just happy to be there to share it with them.

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