Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ballet Recital Weekend!

Phew! I didn't quite understand what I was signing up for when I signed Charlotte up for ballet. Her recital weekend was a lot of work! Friday night was full costume for pictures, early Saturday morning was dress rehearsal and then finally, Sunday was her actual recital!
It was a ballet filled weekend but it was a lot of fun and something we'll never forget.
Hey look, I accidentally got myself in the below picture. We were waiting on class photos to be taken. I like that you can see the back of her bun in this pic.

 Rehearsal day! Her ballet teacher gave the girls darling little gifts bags.

Charlotte watched the other dancers practice on stage before it was her turn to get up there. I know she's still little but I think these experiences are great for little ones. Life is so full and rich and I want to offer as many life experiences to my girls as possible.
Ballet recital day!

I loved watching Morgan watch the show. She was enthralled and so moved by the dancing. She takes after me.
 Charlotte did great! We were all smiles watching her adorable little self out there doing ballet (or at least the preschool version of it). 

 Chase and Dusty came and watched the recital and then went out to lunch afterwards to celebrate. Love my family!

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