Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Halloween Night!

We had a bit of an Adventures Of The Sea theme going on with our little mermaid and pirate this year!

 We did something a little different this year. Instead of trick or treating in our neighborhood, we headed up to the mountains to watch my nephew play football. My parents came into town to watch his game and to attend Morgan's birthday party that weekend so we decided to join everybody at the game. 

The girls "watching" the game. I say watching loosely because there's not a whole lot of watching that actually takes place with these two. We're there for support though.
 Number 23, my studly nephew!
They were going to have a "trunk-or-treat" in the parking lot of the high school but it rained. Go figure! We're in the middle of a major drought with no rain for months and it finally decides to rain on the one night where large amounts of people plan on being outside! 
So instead, they modified their horror house/gym into a trick or treating type of experience. The two didn't quite mix well for really little ones but my girls still had fun.
 Look at Charlotte though. She really had to assess the situation before walking up to each person and getting candy. She'd kind of just stay back and circle until she was ready to go in for the candy!
 The high school kids were really sweet and loved the girls AND hooked them up with huge handfuls of candy at each station!
 The below stash was after Daniel and the girls ate on it all night!
I enjoy watching the girls have a blast each Halloween!

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