Saturday, November 15, 2014

Company Picnic!

My company had their annual picnic at the zoo again this year. We got there as it opened to beat the crowds. We of course visited our favorite exhibit first, Sea Lion Cove!

 They were really active that morning!

 Well hello there! Please, don't be modest just for us!

 Charlotte can stand like a Flamingo too!

 The petting zoo was extra fun this day! Morgan was fearless and Charlotte felt it necessary to pet each animal there. 
 She didn't want to give any particular animal special treatment apparently. 

 Those smiles! She was having a conversation with the below goat. 
Listen to her "talk" with the goats!
 And she kept cracking me up because she would get down to face level to say hello to them!
 The girls were so sweet with the animals. 
 While getting ready at the house that morning I asked Charlotte what kind of animal she was excited to see at the zoo. She replied, "cow". Daniel and I laughed and told her there were no cows at the zoo! Oops!

 I think she's going to be an animal whisperer like her daddy. The animals liked her. :)

 Daniel joked, "You really got to watch where you back up around here!" 

 While we waited for lunch to be served, Charlotte played with some leaves. 

 I heart dimples! 
 And someone was proud of her Hello Kitty face painting. 

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