Friday, June 20, 2014

Finding Nemo!

I was at work a few weeks back when I got a text from Daniel containing this photo and him saying, "We need to fix the hole in our gate." 
This little guy made his way into our back yard therefore making his way into our lives.
Just by the photo, I immediately fell in love with him and so did Morgan. For whatever reason, Morgan has always loved cats and small dogs (poor Maggie). So it was instant love between these two.
 By the time I had gotten home that first day, Morgan had already named him and he was Nemo. 
 Nemo spent much of his time in Morgan's lap.

 That first night and every night he stayed with us, he slept in Morgan's room. Saying she loved it was an understatement.
 Our sweet Maggie is a lover of all people and animals (she even loves cats) and accepted Nemo into our family with open arms/paws.
Maggie let Nemo eat out of her bowl and even got to where she let Nemo eat first.
 She let him take over her bed and this wasn't a one time deal. 

 They were buds. Nemo loved Maggie and vice versa! 
Really, Nemo was a great fit for our family. He was great with the girls, he was great with Maggie, he was relatively calm considering he was only a puppy and he had a great temperament. He wasn't potty trained and still needed vaccinated and chipped and trained though.
I couldn't find him one day but eventually spotted him curled up next to Charlotte while she watched cartoons.

 Morgan said he looked like a roly poly when he slept because he was always curled up. 
To make a really long story only slightly long, I was at Starbucks one day when I saw some women who were obviously dog people. I asked them if they knew of anyone who wanted a dog. One lady said she would post his picture on Facebook and see if she could find him an owner. It ended up this lady helped us co-parent Nemo (she took him for a few nights and helped pay to get him vaccinated) and eventually found him an owner.
Nemo stayed with us for a couple of weeks. I do feel bad that we couldn't keep him but Daniel and my plates are already full. We feel content with our two girls and Maggie. We really don't need to add anything to that mix so we decided to not keep little Nemo.
It all worked out in the end though. Below is a picture the Starbucks lady sent us of Nemo with her dog. Ridiculously cute, right? 

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