Saturday, April 12, 2014

Growing A Garden!

Morgan and I took a special trip to the store to pick out our vegetable and fruit plants for this year's garden.

 I was bummed I forgot my camera for two reasons 1) the camera on my phone is not very good and 2) I loved how all the flowers and plants looked! 

Morgan helped me pick out some new stuff to add to our garden this year. 
The next day we rolled up our sleeves, got a little dirty and had fun planting!
 I'm not sure how I got so lucky. I mean, look at these pictures. I feel I had some pretty cute little garden mommy helpers. 

 Ohhhhh, she makes me smile. 

 Morgan really enjoyed finding rolli polies.
We've since been having a good time watering the plants every night. It's a great way to get us outside every evening and always ends up being quality time together.
 I meant to take pictures of the plants right after planting them to show before and after pictures but I haven't got around to it yet. Maybe I'll make time for it in the next couple of days.
I'm really trying to have the girls involved from the beginning to the end with the garden process. I'd love if they grew up to have gardens of their own some day and fondly think of their time with their momma in the garden while growing up. 

1 comment:

  1. Love their cute faces and outfits! Feeling a little jealous it's warm enough to plant there and that you have a yard with enough sun to have a garden!
