Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bass Lake!

This lake is about an hour and fifteen minutes away from us and for whatever reason, we've never gone to spend time there. We've eaten at a restaurant at the lake but that's it. The restaurant is actually the place where we had our rehearsal dinner.
 I was really wanting to make a trip to the beach this summer but since it looked like it wasn't going to happen we opted for a quick day trip up to Bass Lake and I'm so happy we did!
 in love
 these pictures!

 I wonder what the girls will think of these pictures of them together when they're older. I hope they cherish them as much as I already do.
 At the end of the day, Charlotte hung out with her daddy on the beach while Morgan and I swam together. We swam for at least solid hour together. It was some amazing bonding time for us. We swam while listening to crashing waves and watching boats and taking in the scenery. Some of the time she just rested in my arms. We laughed, talked and just soaked up the amazing experience of leisurely swimming in a lake together. I know it meant as much to her as it did me. 
And apparently, after looking at these pictures, Charlotte and Daniel had as much fun as we did!

 Leave it to Daniel to let her play with a bottle of wine. :)

 Our animal whisperer was at it again. 

 Daniel helped Charlotte up the hill. Look at that big girl!
It was a great day!


  1. What wonderful pictures! Really enjoyed taking the journey this morning in looking at your excursions. Can't believe how grown up the girls are. We have to get out to CA.
    Love to all and big hugs to each of you!

  2. Love the close-ups of Charlotte and her cute hat.
