Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wine Tasting & Baseball Suite!

Daniel invited the Gauthier family to go wine tasting with us one evening. We went to Ficklin Vineyards where Daniel and I are members. This place is only 15 minutes away from our house. 

 As we left, the lady who works there told us our children were really well behaved. She must have been worried when we brought a teenage boy, 3 year old girl, and 7 month old in to go wine tasting, lol! I think we take the fact that we're surrounded by wineries for granted. I remember trying to buy a bottle of wine while in Alabama one time. The cheapest I could find was still more than $10. I didn't realize how good we had it here until then. You can find really inexpensive yet great wine here.
After wine tasting, our two families went to a baseball game. The owner of the company I work for is very generous and lets his employees use his suite when he's not. I booked it for this night and invited my sister and family.
This was Morgan's first game. I hope she doesn't expect a suite from now on. She probably thinks this is normal treatment while going to see baseball games.

 Morgan is sitting back and taking it all in.
Now this is pure talent! How many people can eat popcorn while sucking on a lollipop?

Cheese! Aunt Dusty bought Morgan some ice cream!

 Now this is how to enjoy a baseball game!

 Relaxing in the suite.

Notice anything strange in the below picture?
 Daniel thought it was funny that he switched drinks with Chase for the picture.

My tired baby. She actually fell asleep in my arms and she NEVER does that anymore. I was in heaven!
 We didn't even realize that they were going to have a fireworks show after the game.
 It was an awesome treat! Even Daniel was impressed and he's normally not a huge fan of fireworks.

I've been trying to master the art of gratitude and this night made it easy. 


  1. What a great night for the whole family! Looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Wow. That suite is amazing! So that's how the rich people live. :) Morgan was hilarious eating the popcorn. Charlotte -- oh my gosh, cute as ever. You look beautiful, Angela. Wish we could have been there. No, really. We wish we could have been there! :)
