Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't Want To Forget This!

Daniel and I potty trained Morgan a few months back. I took her shopping and let her pick out undies and stickers. That night Daniel and I made this potty chart (without the stickers of course).

Every time Morgan went potty in the toilet, she got to put a sticker on her potty chart. She loved this game and half way through the chart she was potty trained! It took a couple of weeks with a few accidents here and there but that was it!

Morgan enjoyed hanging out with mom during this past 3-day weekend.

She said the below play-doh masterpiece was a birthday cake for me. She even put the toothpick on top and told me to blow out my candle.

Maggie lays in the most uncomfortable positions sometimes...

I've really been enjoying hanging out with Morgan in her big girl room. Now that the crib is out of there I find myself either laying on Morgan's bed reading her books or just sitting in different spots in her room as we play together. We finally moved all the toys out of our living room and into her room. She's old enough to play in there by herself now and I'm not missing our living room being overrun by toys!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Maggie made me laugh out loud! Hilarious. Congratulations on beating us to the potty training. (Poor Allyson.) Cannot believe how big Morgan looks. Enjoy your clean living room for the next few months. :)
