Friday, August 26, 2011

Life Inside Me

This time around I'm feeling especially fortunate to be pregnant. Not sure why that is though. Something different so far with this pregnancy is that I can feel my little girl kick, roll and move constantly. I absolutely love it! Since it happens all day, every day, you'd think the feeling would become routine but every - single - time I feel her move I get this wave of happiness and excitement.
I'm looking forward to those first few weeks and months after she's born. I think with Morgan I missed out on some of the enjoyment and special moments since I had no clue what to do with a baby. I also think her health concerns caused a lot of unfortunate feelings of fear and worry for me. Maybe this time will be different, maybe it won't but either way I can't wait for my next little girl to be here!

I leave you with cute pictures of Morgan.

Morgan tied the balloon around her waist and then informed Daniel and I that she was going to float away.

She was given this balloon while we mattress shopped for her new big girl bed. It has since been a great companion for her.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite post ever! I really hope you are able to savor every moment with this new little one. One thing I know you haven't experienced yet is the joy of watching your firstborn become a big sister. I sit back every day and watch this miracle. Love you guys. We can't wait to meet our new cousin!! :)
