Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

We finally made the switch from crib to a big girl bed!

I was afraid that Morgan would struggle with this because we made a lot of changes to her room all at once. We moved her changing table, diaper bin and crib into the nursery. Of course she didn't even blink an eye and seemed nothing but excited about the changes.

This is how we found her after her first night in her big girl bed. She slept in past 9 am! God bless our little girl!

It's been a couple of weeks now and she's still doing great! Yay Morgan! The transition of her room from nursery to toddler/preschooler room is still a work in progress. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Her bed is beautiful! You're smart to do this when you have more time to adjust before the baby comes. She looks so sweet sleeping. :)
