Sunday, January 10, 2010

Every day brings something new.

Lately I have felt that every single day Morgan shows Daniel and I something new she has learned to do. It started a couple months back with Morgan brushing her own hair. She actually grabbed her brush and started brushing her own hair. The bristles clutched her hair as she would start at the top of her head and then lead the brush down to the ends of her hair before she would repeat the process. It was at that moment that it dawned on me that there will be a day where Morgan no longer needs me to do her hair. That realization made me very sad.

A few weeks back Morgan was sitting in her high chair eating while I was cutting up some fruit and she got my attention by yelling "hi" at me. When I looked up she was sitting there waiving and saying hi as if she had been doing it all along. Since then "hi" is one of her favorite things to say. That along with "uh oh", "daddy", and "mommy" which she has been mastering for awhile now.

Just a few days ago, Daniel asked Morgan to give her doll a kiss. She floored us when she actually puckered up and gave her doll a huge smack on the lips. We had never really shown her how to kiss and we've never asked her to give us one. My sister was the person who gave Morgan this doll for Christmas and she has really surprised us with what a great little mommy she is to it. She'll brush her hair, hug her, and feed her some of her bottle and sippy cup among other things. I had no idea she understands all of these processes enough to imitate them with her own little doll.

Morgan will give you a high five when asked and she continues to love to dance. She's just recently added some impressive dance moves. I know Daniel enjoys watching Morgan enjoy music as much as he does.

I'm learing to not underestimate Morgan's abilities. Occasionally I'll ask Morgan to do something new to see if she understands me and more times than not she'll surprise me by doing whatever it is I ask of her. This is a fun time of discovery for not only Morgan but for her dad and I who are very new at this parenting thing. I'm sure Morgan will teach us many more things as the years pass.

1 comment:

  1. Observing the development of your children is an important component of the joy of parenthood. She will certainly continue to surprise.
