Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wild Kratts!

So Morgan is addicted to this show called Wild Kratts and I love it because she learns so much about animals by watching it. This girl has memorized every fact stated on every episode so when I found out the Kratt Brothers were coming to town to do a live show, I knew I had to get the girls tickets. Morgan still to this day blows me away with her knowledge of animals and nature. Today in the car she was speaking about animals using words like predators, prey, mating, Gila Monsters, Ring Tailed Lemurs, Madagascar, Fossas (the only predator of Lemurs in Madagascar apparently). Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up!
Morgan picked out her headband and shoes. Actually she had on different shoes before we left the house and it wasn't until we arrived to the event that I noticed she had on flip flops. I'm not a big fashion person and am super casual but I still talked to her about how flip flops were inappropriate when dressing up to attend a nice theater. Of course in the end, it doesn't matter. We had a fun time.
 The theater where the show was held was gorgeous!

The girls had a blast! I love exposing to them to any kind of "arts" I can.

The lighting was awful for pictures but these are too cute not to share. I feel like I've aged so much since these pictures were taken. I think that's what owning your own business for the first time will do to a person lol!

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