Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Life Via My Phone - Part Tres!

She cracks us up with her salsa consumption!
While putting away our Christmas tree (late in January, eeek) I just had to take a picture of this ornament Morgan made for me while in Transitional Kindergarten last year. Her class made actual gingerbread cookies and then baked them and made them into ornaments. It is possibly the cutest ornament I've ever seen!

I swear Morgan has an eye for flower arrangements! Somehow her arrangements always strike me as beautiful. This one was simplistic yet artistic.

Love spending time with my girls. This day Charlotte and I were working on a booklet her daycare provider gave her to practice on. 

My favorite food is Indian food. Unfortunately my favorite restaurant just closed down and I don't know of another good one so I tried my hand at tiki masala and naan. Not too bad for my first time! I'm not so great at food photography as evidenced by the plastic food dishes below.
Charlotte recently requested a big girl pillow and I love how it looks in her bed (we stole one from Morgan's bed). I was trying to get a picture but Charlotte wasn't cooperating. You can see her two little hands and strands of blonde hair peeking out below.
One recent rainy day, Morgan asked to wear her yellow rain boots she got for Christmas. I'm a sucker for any type of "gear" whether it be rain, snow or swim "gear".
That same night was her open house. 
Morgan has a pretty good voice. Below she says she wants to be a singer when she grows up. Daniel and I want to put her in choir.

Charlotte's favorite thing to eat is still PB&J but she calls it peanut butter and jelly lunch. Even though we've corrected her a billion times, she still calls sandwiches, "lunches" no matter if we're eating them for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Charlotte loves to ride in the car with the windows down. She'll yell "faster mommy, faster!" And once we get going she screams with elated laughter, "this is so fun!"
While making a soup a few weeks back, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful colors of our fresh ingredients.
Daddy-daughter time.

Still enjoy finding remnants of my girls' play around the house. It often makes me smile and chuckle to myself.
I recently finally bought a new purse after using the same one every day for the last 3 years. It's funny how a little thing like this can bring you so much joy. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to take Charlie on a ride in my convertible...she'll really enjoy that.
