Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weekday Evenings!

It's getting warm around here! Today it was in the upper 90's!
 I'm loving my rose bush this year. I can't stop posting pictures of them.
 The girls playing together.
 One evening we sat outside for dinner. It was so pleasant!
 We have an insane amount of birds living in the trees around our house. More than usual for some reason. I absolutely love hearing them chirp and sing.
 Look who's learning to sit up all by herself!
 Love the hairdo she's rocking. 
 She's also now eating some solid food. She tried rice cereal for the first time this week and can't get enough of it.
 Happy girl after her bath.
 Morgan's first time using water colors...
 We're still doing Morgan's ballet class every Tuesday night. I put Charlotte in her sling and we hang out that way the whole time. I took the below picture this week. Charlotte was sucking on her tongue and it looked funny. Someone actually pointed it out to me. They asked me if I had a pacifier for her because she was sucking on her tongue. I did have one with me but I didn't see the harm in her discovering her tongue. People say odd things sometimes. 
 This is me trying to document Charlotte in her sling...
 Tonight we played bubbles outside.
 We've been getting a lot of quality time in during the weeknights and I'm thankful for that.


  1. Your roses are gorgeous!

    There is no way Charlotte is old enough to be doing those things! Tell her to slow down! ;)

  2. Angela, You are such a good mother! Most stay-at-home moms don't take the extra effort you do to spend quality time with their children. The fact that you work full-time and still find the energy to do everything you do is astonishing.
    I can't believe Charlotte is sitting up already. She's growing up so fast. I love the picture of her right out of the bath....her smile is priceless.
