Sunday, January 23, 2011

More January Pics

Our weather has been pretty gloomy lately. Most of the time it's overcast and dreary. Today the sun peaked out for awhile so I snatched Morgan and headed outside with some chalk.

Her face is so precious!

She likes to yell out the color of each piece of chalk as she colors with it.
I've just recently discovered the therapeutic qualities of this activity. I color right along with her. It's fun being in the front of our house because I get to converse with our neighbors and Morgan and I talk about all the things we see. Today we talked about birds, airplanes, cars and the neighbor kids' game of basketball.

I wish I looked this cute in leggings and boots.

I got a little time with the girls this weekend when I got to go wedding dress shopping with my friend Tammy. I'm honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!
Tammy was embarrassed because we played Bette Midler's version of "Chapel of Love" on our way to a wedding dress shop.
The Matron of Honor and Mother of the Bride were excited for the day.
They had good reason to be excited. After only 2 stores, Tammy found her dress and was able to purchase it and take it home that day!
We celebrated with dinner.
We're packing in lots of activities this January.

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