Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting Ready For Winter!

And I thought swimsuits were cute! I had no idea the cuteness potential of snow gear. Tehe!

I never got tired of listening to the swish! swish! sound she made as she walked.

The below video is a great example of her endless babble and talking.

Morgan stayed in her snow gear for a good 2 hours before I finally took it off her.

Just too cute!


  1. OMG! The cuteness! Scarlett loves watching these videos. Keep 'em coming! ;)

    Oh, and I can't believe how much she looked like Daniel when he was young in that 3rd video!

  2. Love the swish swishing! But especially LOVED her talking! Sooo cute. Don't you hate it how they just instantly stop talking when you say something. Cracked me up how she just went silent and stared at the camera like, "Mom... you totally just interrupted my train of thought." She's adorable. Have fun in the snow. Come out here and play in the snow! :)

  3. OMG after reading Julie's comment I realize she does look like Daniel--she has his big eyes he had at that age and probably having the hat on framing her face accentuated it!

    And I love to hear the conversations she has with herself! It's too cute!
