Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Sunday has become the day that Morgan and I go to the grocery store. I’m not sure how it happened but it’s become a tradition that Morgan picks out a fruit or vegetable right when we first enter the store. The first time Morgan grabbed a vegetable, she was pretty little still and she grabbed an onion. It was hilarious because everyone in the store commented on how funny it looked for a baby to sit there holding onto an onion the entire shopping trip. The avocado is a favorite fruit/vegetable for her to hold but you should have seen the time I let her have a red bell pepper. She kept biting into it but didn’t do much damage because she didn’t have a ton of teeth at the time. I had at least 3 people warn me that she was eating a red pepper as if I didn’t know. I guess it was pretty upsetting to others that I was letting her “eat” the red bell pepper. One young man let me know that the bell pepper could be spicy. I personally didn’t see what the problem was.

I like our little ritual because it helps keep her occupied and her hands in the cart. Now that Morgan is older and has more teeth, I think it’s still cute that she likes to pick out her fruit or vegetable but by the time I get to the register I have to figure out how to pay for a half eaten piece of produce.


  1. This is great! So much better than the traditional cookie for kids in the store. Love Morgans food choice! She looks darling by the way.....

  2. I love Morgan's big eyes. She looks more like you, Angela, every day! That's so nice that she enjoys going grocery shopping with you.
