Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweet Reflection

Apparently I’m in a reflecting mood lately. Just last night I was thinking about how thankful I am for my life right now. I remember people saying how different my life would be after having a child. They said that I wouldn’t have time for the stuff I used to and things would be so chaotic for me. Yes, they were right in some ways but not in others. Before Morgan, I’m ashamed to admit that I had gotten in a horrible rut. I would come home exhausted from work every single night. Daniel and I would barely eat dinner before I would pass out on the couch. I HATED it because I felt like I was wasting my life away. On weekends I would bum around the house and I remember thinking that I wasn’t living my life to the fullest. Now that we have Morgan, I come home and Daniel and I take turns making dinner depending on our work schedules. We work as a team to get dinner on the table. We sit down every night as a family and listen to music and relax while eating dinner. Sure our nights are hectic with the hustle and bustle of diaper changes, cleaning up Morgan after dinner, cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, baths, book reading, teeth brushing, packing lunches for the next day, taking care of the miscellaneous chores that need to be done for the next day, etc., but we find ourselves each night spending quality time together as a family. Some nights are visits to the dog park but most nights we end up on the nursery, living room or office floor. We sit there smiling, laughing, rough housing and just enjoying each other. After we put Morgan down at 8 pm, Daniel and I really value that time. We often try to watch a TV program or movie together. We cherish our time to have adult conversations and get caught up. I actually accomplish things during the week now. Last night, I dusted the entire house and switched out the cd’s in my car. It just feels good because I finally feel like I’m living my life to the fullest and I have Morgan to thank for that.

1 comment:

  1. What a great reflection. It makes me stop and think of how fortunate we all are to have each other.
