Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Beautiful Masterpiece

There's a very sad occurrence that happens with Daniel and I from time to time. Let us use tonight's incident as an example. This weekend I purchased Morgan some crayons because I've never let her try coloring. Tonight after her bath, Daniel and I decided to let Morgan color for the first time. We got the table all set up, strapped her into her highchair and let her go! She pulled out a crayon and knew exactly what to do with it. She put the right end to the paper and immediately starting coloring. It was at that moment that Daniel got a silly grin on his face and said, "This isn't her first time coloring." We realized that Morgan must color at daycare because how else would she know exactly what to do? She would put one color crayon down and pick up another to use for awhile. She knew to only color on the white paper. Basically she knew everything. I'm going to ask her daycare provider if they color often but even if she says yes, I can still pretend this was her first time, right?

Awww...our first refrigerator art.

1 comment:

  1. It was her first time doing it with you and that's all that matters! ;)

    Check out Scarlett's art work on our blog when you have a chance!
