Saturday, November 26, 2016

Roller Skating First!

I haven't stepped foot inside of a roller rink since grade school! The girls and I had Memorial Day off so I decided to put the day to good use and do something we don't normally get the chance to do. I took the girls roller skating! Morgan had actually been already once with her after school care group but it was definitely Charlotte's first time.

Charlotte sported the beginner skates. The girls were so cute to watch.
We invited Morgan's best friend to go. They had so much fun together!
At one point, I momentarily lost Charlotte and looked over to see this.
Afterwards the girls fueled up and we headed out for some errands. After working full time and only getting so much vacation each year, I really value now being able to be with my girls when they are out of school. I hope that feeling of gratitude never goes away.

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