Monday, September 5, 2016

Life With My Girls!

I keep seeing these butterflies all over town. They're huge and beautiful!
The morning of her "incident"! Had I known she would be bleeding later that day, I wouldn't have put her in such light colors, lol!

We spent the evening at Urgent Care because Charlotte either tripped over a swing or fell out of one (no one actually saw it happen). The poor kid tore her chin up pretty good. I got a call from her daycare provider saying that Charlotte probably would need stitches. Apparently she had blood gushing from her chin that covered her. Luckily there was a change of clothes in her cubby. She'll for sure have a scar from the incident. It didn't require stitches but the doctor had to really clean it and remove a bunch of hanging skin and flesh. This was a rough night. I felt so bad for the kiddo!
I mean, look at that face! Charlotte is usually a happy, goofy kid so if she's that sad, there's probably a good reason for it.
I keep forgetting to tell my dad about the below picture. When Morgan got back to school after Easter break she talked about how she had fun at her Aunt's house (she stayed with her for a week while Daniel and I were training in the Bay Area) and how she spent Easter at her Papa and Nana's house. I asked who that was in her picture and she said it was her and Papa. I loved it!
I got pretty close with Morgan's first grade teacher. She was always talking about how creative and artistic Morgan is and sent me the below photos one day.
She was impressed with the props Morgan made for a play one day and commented how maybe she'd work on movie sets or as a costume designer some day. It of course made my day!
Morgan even wore her costume while we ran to Target later that day. 
We walked by this makeup isle and both girls oohed and awed and asked to go down it.
 They're buds. I walked into the kitchen one afternoon to find this.

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