Saturday, September 24, 2016

Last Day Of School!

I took pictures of Morgan on her very last day of 1st grade!
My beautiful girl is growing up! Unfortunately first grade was a tough one for her but now that she's started second grade (I'm obviously very behind on my blog) she's doing amazing! I can now look back on her first grade year realizing it was a big transition year for her but we survived and have positive results to show for it. She fought us tooth and nail every night last year over doing her homework because schoolwork overwhelmed her and she was having a rough year. However, every single night I would have a discussion with her about how regardless of whether she fought us or not, her homework had to get done. I kept telling her since she knew she had to do it, she might as well stay calm and focused and get it done so she could have time after to play and relax. Oftentimes we spent the whole evening arguing over her finishing her homework so she'd have to go to bed without having any free time in the evening. (I'm still not sure how I even feel about kids this young having so much homework every night.) Anyway, we all were looking forward to the summer. We had a tough year and we were all excited for her to spend her days just being a kid and playing and being free. Apparently that break is just what she needed because she's really been enjoying herself this year. She's been focusing in class and doing her in school work and she comes home every night, sits down, focuses on her work and gets it done! She's able to have down time afterward and we are all SO relieved!

 But isn't that just part of growing up? We all have to learn somehow and I know we all go through rough patches. As a parent I think the key is to stay consistent and give those kids all the love, support and guidance they need! I know my parents did with me. 
 I took another picture of her after her day was all done.
And I took them for frozen yogurt to celebrate! It felt so good to be able to do this around 3 pm when she got out of school instead of picking her up around 5:30 pm after getting off work like I've done since she was a baby.
Poor Charlotte was still all bandaged up from her fall and chin injury.
 Their ice cream and topping choices always looks so creative and colorful!
 I'm so proud of her! I know being a kid can be tough but Morgan is tougher. I feel so honored to be her mom and get to see her grow into this breathtaking little being who always amazes me.


  1. That's sure one heck of a smile on the last day of school.

  2. omg she is so cute

  3. She got hot nips! Give them some pinches and nibbled until she drippin panties and begging to be fucked by me
