Saturday, January 2, 2016

Fishing With Papa!

We made a trip up to Nana and Papa's house! The girls loved sleeping in the same room together.

 Nana played tea time with them.
 And Papa took the girls fishing for their first time. 
Daniel and I tagged along too.

 Morgan helped Papa catch a fish!
This was as close to it as she'd get. She stood there and Dad stuck the fish in the picture lol.

 Pretty much every time we visit, we make a run to Texas Roadhouse to get ribs to go. They are sooo good!
And Nana makes sure they get whatever desserts their little hearts desire. Isn't that what grandma's are for?

The girls have actually been talking a lot about this fishing trip lately. I didn't think it was that big of a deal for them because their interest in it lasted for maybe 15 minutes but Charlotte keeps asking when Papa is going to take her again. While working on this post, Morgan excitedly talked about the fish she caught and was talking about how much fun she has at Nana and Papa's house.
It had been years since I'd been fishing and I forgot how relaxing it was. Papa and I took over the girls poles after they lost interest and everyone had a hard time pulling me away. I could have sat out there all day. Being in nature is always so therapeutic for me. I need to find ways to get out there more often. Papa and I definitely need to plan a fishing trip in his boat!

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