Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ballet & Gymnastics!

Charlotte started ballet a few weeks back! 
I hadn't had time to purchase her a leotard, skirt, tights and ballet shoes before the class started but it worked out because she was able to fit into Morgan's old ballet costume perfectly!

 As soon as I got the chance, I went out and got the below adorable ensemble. 
Charlotte has been doing GREAT in her class! She really enjoys it, she listens well and is able to pick up on everything super fast. We couldn't ask for anything more!


I was curious how Morgan would do because always before it's been Charlotte and I watching Morgan in extracurricular activities. Morgan's never had to sit the side lines and watch Charlotte. To my surprise, Morgan was so excited for Charlotte and couldn't wait to sit with me and watch her do ballet. I was even able to get Morgan to work on her homework the first couple of classes. However, she's since progressed to hanging out with the other older siblings who are there to watch their younger sister's do ballet too.
And Morgan is doing gymnastics right now for the first time! She had been asking so we found a place within 5 minutes of our house. We love this place!
She's on the beam below on the very left of the picture.
And the teacher is helping her do some tumbling below.
Such a cutie.
And lucky Charlotte is getting to do gymnastics too! We originally just signed Charlotte up for ballet and Morgan up for gymnastics but then we learned that there is a gymnastics class for Charlotte's age the same exact time as Morgan's class. It was too convenient to pass up. 

Charlotte loves her gymnastics equally as much as she does her ballet. She's extremely outgoing and often tells the teacher, "I can do it all by myself!"

1 comment:

  1. I want to come watch a gymnastics class! Let me know their schedule.
