Saturday, February 15, 2014

About The Journey

I try to surround myself with books, blogs, facebook pages, and quotes that help me to remember to slow down and enjoy the moment. Life isn’t about the destination it’s about the journey. I read a facebook post the other day that said, “What if one day you realized the best moments in life come in the mundane, everyday moments? But you were only fully present on special occasions.” 
Wow! These kinds of things always hit home for me. This is exactly what I want out of life. I’ve been realizing lately that I AM present and that I’m not failing at this at all. All these reminders are paying off. I will snuggle on the couch with my girls even though the sink is overflowing with dirty dishes and I have a ton of stuff that needs to be done before the sun rises again. I find myself gazing into my 2 year olds face as she gently strokes my cheek, my eyes and points to my nose. I listen to her deep deliberate breaths, the ones that come when she’s concentrating. I watch her study my face as she investigates how hard she can press on my eye before I react. I routinely find myself staring at Morgan as she speaks to me. Her beauty is striking as she sits there, this little person with a huge personality. I enjoy her facial expressions and notice how delicate and stunning her dark eyelashes look as they lower and touch her cheek. I stop and breath in these moments every-single-day. I try to let them happen during the hustle and bustle of our morning routine (if you can call it that). I want them to happen as we’re racing in the door late in the evening after work and school. Even in those moments when the dog is howling at us to feed her, Charlotte is crying because she’s hungry, Morgan is asking what’s for dinner and I haven’t even taken off my shoes yet. I’m thankful for it all. Gratitude is key and I’ve been trying to embrace it for the last couple of years.
Being a mother is a role I’m most proud of so far. It’s the one I’ve worked the hardest at and am most passionate about. If nothing else, I’m trying my best and that feels really, really good. 

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