Saturday, February 23, 2013

Meeting Tinker Bell!

One evening we got to attend one of Morgan's ballet friend's birthdays. They did something for their party I had never heard of before. They hired a couple of princesses to attend the party. The below picture is Morgan captivated by the appearance of Tinker Bell!

 She was in awe and it was really cute to watch.

 Notice everyone else huddled around Merida from Brave? Not Morgan, she was too captivated by Tink.

 Finally, we were able to pull her away from Tinker Bell long enough so she could join in on some games the princesses led for the kids.
 The below picture is from her dance solo that had the crowd captivated. I really wish I had gotten it on video. Each child was given the opportunity to do a quick solo dance in front of everyone. I proudly watched from the sidelines as I watched her do special turns and jumps. Each time she'd do these hilarious ballet moves, the crowd would ooh and awe and clap. I was so proud of her. She walked into this home she'd never been in before that was filled with strangers and she happily ran to the other kids and began socializing and interacting. 
Charlotte stayed home with daddy because she had a fever. Four days later we found out the poor baby had a kidney infection. She's better now but we have her scheduled for a procedure where they'll look to see how her bladder is functioning. We're trying to find out what caused her infection.


  1. I love that Morgan is so outgoing. It makes life so much easier.

  2. I had a girl who had played Cinderella in our local theater come dressed up and read a story for Nicole's 3rd (I think) birthday party. It was mesmerizing. TWO princesses? That's amazing. Morgan is so cute... I love her personality.
