Monday, January 23, 2012

Ballet Class!

I don't have any good pictures yet but I'm so excited that Morgan is taking her first ballet class! I don't know about other moms but getting to see your little girl in ballet shoes and a tutu is one of those things you look forward to the minute you learn you're having a girl! I signed her up last week and was a little disappointed to learn that she was required to wear a blue leotard, pink tights and pink slippers. I was hoping to get cheap shoes at Payless and to pick up the leotard at Target. I knew that finding a blue leotard would be difficult so I went ahead and purchased her outfit at the store the dance studio suggested (which meant it was much more pricey). However, I'm excited because her outfit is authentic.

Her class is at the California Arts Academy and it's the real deal. They offer all types of classes and take dancing seriously. I was nervous attending her first class because I was hoping the other moms weren't "dance moms." I was told Morgan had to have her hair pulled back and we weren't allowed to be late. I was thinking this seemed a bit serious for 3 year olds. Luckily, the other moms are nice and down to earth.

Morgan had a blast and the teacher is great! It was so fun watching Morgan because she had an ear to ear smile the whole time. Immediately after class, she said she didn't want to leave and was already asking to come back. These moments are some of the reasons I love being a mom.

 Charlotte sleeps during tummy time...


  1. So, as wierd as this is going to sound, I'm so jealous of Morgan's ballet class. They don't start thier kids in activities quite as young in Ireland as we do in the States. Scarlett and I were both so looking forward to dance class when she turned 3, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it happen. :(

    Morgan looks great in her ballet outfit. Hope she continues to enjoy it!!!

  2. Oh my gosh Angela! I about cried when I saw this blog. I always wanted to take dance classes when I was little. You have to tell me when her classes are scheduled because I want to come watch.

  3. I forgot to mention how cute Charlotte is in her tummy time pictures. She looks so peaceful in them.
