Monday, April 18, 2011

Recent Random Stuff

Because the weather has been so nice, I've been coming home, opening up the backdoor and letting Morgan play outside while I cook dinner. She'll swing for a good 20 minutes at a time. I think it's relaxing for her. Listen to her version of Twinkle Twinkle Wittle Star.

This same day, I realized I hadn't seen or heard her in awhile so I checked on her. I found her sprawled out in the grass with Maggie eating pretzels.

Morgan has been accessorizing. Her favorites lately have been hats and boots.

It's so cute because she'll put on her bracelet, a pretend coat and purse and then say, "Bye. I go to work." Below, she grabbed her computer and pretended to type away.

One night she got creative with her painting and added peas to her artwork.

My initial reaction was to get on to her but then I took a step back and decided she wasn't hurting anything and it was actually pretty creative. She placed all the peas within a hand print she made.


  1. What a great Mom! You are right! That is so creative to put the peas in her hand.
    It is also so touching to hear her sing. What a beautiful little voice.

  2. That is PRECIOUS!! Love her little voice!!
