Monday, October 26, 2009

Simple Pleasures

So tonight was a night to remember. Nothing really special happened but I was so happy all night I could cry. It started with Daniel and I sharing responsibilities of taking care of Morgan and putting dinner on the table. Before I knew it, two candles were lit, a bottle of wine was open, Daniel and I were across the table from each other and Morgan was in her high chair. We were all enjoying our dinner, relaxing and listening to music. Pretty soon, after dinner we made it into the living room where we began dancing as a family. I played with Maggie as Daniel danced with Morgan in his arms. We stayed like that for a couple of hours while the table sat filthy with remants of dinner. The stove, sink and counters were covered and I felt great. I can't explain those moments. Those moments need no money, no fancy possessions or status. They are pure joy that can't be bought.


  1. It feels good just to read about your evening and picture it!

  2. The dishes will always wait. Enjoy your family! :)
