Sunday, December 14, 2014

Not So Recently Enjoyed Things!

Whew! I'm behind on this blog! 
The day after Morgan's birthday party was her actual birthday. We celebrated with a special dinner at home and leftover cupcakes.
 The kids get tired of eating the same snacks all the time and I get tired of serving the same snacks. I tried out a Pinterest idea. Kid sushi! It was a hit.
 Charlotte at daycare. My sweet, sweet baby.
 After going to Chase's football game for Halloween, we went back to Dusty's house for a bit. Papa was getting his Charlotte fix. 
 The girls had entirely too much fun playing in Uncle Frank's man cave. Dusty has hilarious video of them that I need to upload. They were cracking us up!

 Pajamas + rainboots + puddles = fun!
And yes, that's a rotting pumpkin in the background. No need to worry, our gracious gardeners took care of it.
 Nana and Charlotte. 
The girls don't seem to care if it's cold. They still pull out summer pajamas to wear. I'm going to need to put those away.
 Hmmmmm.....Morgan's birthday cake was heaven!
 Had to include this picture just because she's awesome!
 After Morgan's birthday, she enjoyed trying out her new toys. On a side note, Daniel made me get rid of this dress. He said it wasn't even appropriate to wear around the house. Fathers are cute. And in my defense I didn't purchase this dress. It was handed down from a friend of a friend.

 Morgan did well on the scooter we bought her! We need to take her out on it again.

 Neighborhood football rivalry apparently.
 Best leaves ever!
 Morgan made the below pumpkin at school. I wish I could have kept it forever!
Sporty, happy, morning Charlotte.

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