Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birthday Party!

Morgan woke up from her nap to find a living room full of people staring at her. She didn't know what to think at first.
Her party had a cupcake theme.

I had fun with the details.

Morgan and Aunt Dusty!

Party favors! Each guest got to take their own cupcake home in these fun cupcake boxes I got from The Oriental Trading Company!

There were cupcakes everywhere!
Morgan kept stealing all the candy that was supposed to be used for people to decorate their own cupcake.
I'm innocent! I swear!

Hanging out with Nana and Papa!

Tammy and her Bears cupcake.

Morgan decorated her very own cupcake!

Nana played a game so she could win Morgan a prize.

Then Morgan played herself.

CupCAKE walk!

Morgan didn't want to blow out her candles. She wanted to continue playing in the backyard.

But then she realized that there were all these cupcakes sitting in front of her.

Good thing she only took a couple of bites from her first cupcake because she's now on her second!

Time to open presents!

In true Morgan style, she gingerly tore the paper off.

She already looks older!

Aunt Dusty and Cousin Chase


Morgan opened a gift she was really excited about! It was a crib for her dolls. She wanted to try it out first but as she tried to step in it, the crowd yelled "no!" She was devastated.

After seeing the crocodile tears
we decided to let the Birthday Girl

do what she wanted.

She hasn't crawled back in since and she plays with it every day. I guess she just wanted to test it out.

Morgan seemed to have a great time!


  1. Love the pictures showing the party from beginning to end. So good to see that Morgan was able to try out the new bed. What an awesome Mommy she has.
