Sunday, August 2, 2015

Neighborhood Walks!

I'm not sure why but I started this post months ago but never finished it. We haven't actually taken a walk for a few weeks now because it's gotten so hot but I need to plan an early morning walk soon because I bet it's beautiful at that time of day.
We like to go on family walks around our neighborhood. We've found a perfect path along a canal for our treks.

 We get to enjoy nature while getting some exercise. Win! Win!
 Sticks are one of Charlotte's favorite things at this age. She reminded me of the little boy in The Andy Griffith show while walking along the dirt path dragging the stick behind her and making a line in the sand. Just reminded me of a childhood time from long ago.
Morgan loves the scooter she got for her 6th birthday. She takes it everywhere and is really good on it.
This is how our canal had looked for months but this summer it's actually been full of water! Look how dry the earth is in this picture. We were so surprised the first time we went on a walk and actually saw water in our canal!

Morgan is really into the show "Wild Kratz" right now. It's about nature and animal preservation. Morgan has really embraced the idea and see's herself as a spokesperson on nature's behalf. While on one of our walks, Morgan stopped to be our tour guide explaining the different species of plants, animals and flowers. 
She did pretty good.
 See! "Our" canal has water in it now! I'm not sure how the whole canal system works. I'm assuming they opened some type of dam somewhere to allow water to flow through the canal systems to the valley for the farmers during the summer. I should really look into how all that works. There's a dam nearby. I wonder if they give tours? Morgan can see how a real tour is done!
We have lots of farming out where we live. We live on the outskirts of our city and fields and fields of produce, orchards and vineyards surround us. Our city is booming so I'm not sure how long it will continue to be farmland but if it were up to me it would stay like that. I guess I'm more of a country girl at heart.
 It's hard to see but she's looking at some ducks in the water. 
We've even been taking Maggie with us on our walks and she loves it. She's such a good girl.

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